Saturday, June 28, 2014

Little things to Celebrate

So many little things that can be forgotten so quickly, but they make me happy! SO they should be celebrated and remembered.

Today, My Little G, (almost 4!) tasted a orange mango smoothie and like it!! Up until now, applesauce, and a mild strawberry yogurt have been the only fruit flavors she enjoyed in anything, candy included. Every small victory in taste tolerance is a joy to me, hoping it will soon expand to allow summer fruits like watermelon!!

I've cut back in work for the summer and it has done some good things for G! She no longer wakes with a start and hops up almost in a panic to come find me. I hear her stirring and stretching and often she will settle down for just a few more minutes or more to doze. To me this speaks of security and makes this momma happy.

Her vocabulary, understanding, and ability to express herself keeps expanding daily. This can create quite the interesting (and sometimes embarrassing) situations! From declaring loudly that "that lady has a mustache!" (she didn't see it as a bad thing, just interesting, since she had just learned the word) but nonetheless, not a nice thing for the poor lady.
Or, asking loudly in church, "is that man Jesus?!!" or the same question about the man with lots of tattoos behind us in line at the local McDonalds. Thankfully he found it amusing.
Speaking of expressing herself better, the other day I asked her to do something she did NOT want to do. When I asked her again she went but said, "Mommy, this makes me very angry!"
Yeah, we've got work to do, but she continues to improve...

She has started to entertain herself much better than she used to! I am trying to get some work time in at home since I am cutting back my hours at work and she is doing sooo much better than she used to!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Funny Girl

Well, this past week, My DD who will be 4 in Aug asked about a pic where my friend is preg. She wondered where her daughter is (not born yet) I told her babies grow in their mommy's bellies. She was amazed. The only thing she knows about people being inside a belly is the story of Jonah and the whale! She asked in amazement if my friend swallowed her little girl!!! So we talked a bit more that babies grow when they are just tiny inside till they are big enough then they can come out and we can hold them! She has a huge imagination and can't wait to go see her friend. I'm a bit scared what she will say to her. I know she wants to get a good look at this amazing child who came from her mommies belly!! After we talked a bit, she informed me that she was in my belly too! I reminded her she was born in Russia and I came to get her when she was just little. Well, then she thought maybe she could crawl in my belly now. But after inspecting my mouth she decided her head was too big to get in there. lol