Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Something to Laugh about

Some days you really need something to laugh about.
Days when your child bosses you around too much and you realize you have left it go too far.
And then in the same day, she does other things that she should never do to her mom that I will not list. Defamation isn't nice, right?
The same day that the babysitter mentions the fact that she wasn't the model child...
The same day that she whines with every sentence she says, even though you make her say it nice every time, and you are sick of it!!!

Finally you make her sit on the naughty step and set the timer. Only to discover when it dings that you weren't paying attention and during the time that she was supposed to be sitting, she apparently got off some because she is sitting there with several toys!! So we clarify expectations and set the timer again.

Well, to the part that I finally found some humor...
She went to her play kitchen and made her microwave beep. told me I was in time out! I want to work on making sure she knows who IS the boss around here, so I suggested she use the puppy and put him in time out. I thought of it spur of the moment, but loved the idea instantly. I thought of using a doll, but was afraid I was pushing it too far. So a puppy it was. And she went for it!!! ( you need to understand this is the child who would barely touch a stuffed animal and certainly not a doll!!! She hated them!) That poor puppy did more time outs in five minutes than she has done in the last month!!! You should have heard his naughtiness!!! :) and he even had to nerve to get toys when he was in time out!!!
I'm hoping we just took a big step into doll playing! She still has him, and he just got done playing with my phone, listening to the musical manger scene and looking at pictures of her.

Well, on the bad days, it's good to have something to laugh about to keep from getting too discouraged.

Oh, My! the dogs in time out AGAIN! He's been chewing on her slipper!!

helping dog watch the musical manger scene

She thought that baby Jesus was in a boat!! Remembering last night when
read about baby moses. :)