Monday, March 9, 2015

A Girl and Her Dog

They LOVE each other, and HATE each other!!! One second she is telling him that she loves him, etc, etc and the next he nips her and she smacks him. (last pic, that's what just happened and they both turned around to see what I was gonna say!)

 (first pic) Naughty dog! She is screaming! (If you are inclined to hate this dog, please remember he is still a puppy even though he is big.) (second pic) having a nice chat. (third pic) seconds later he decides it's time to hug it out! (more Screaming!!)  Have you ever seen a dog use his front paws like hands/arms!?! he does this a lot! hanging onto your arm or wherever he can get hold of you to handicap you!
(p.s. No, we do not allow the behavior in the first or last pic!!!, He was thoroughly scolded! if anyone has any tips on dog training, let me know.)

 (first pic) he bit her handlebars and she is screaming. (Second pic) they are racing back and forth. I laughed so hard! If he wasn't ready or wandered off when she was ready to race, she'd holler for him to come race!

(first Pic) checking out the puddles together (second pic) totally into the puddles and both getting very muddy! (third pic) He's challenging her to a race. Such a playful dog!

P.S. Please excuse the wearing of last years coat. I was pretty sure the end result was gonna be muddy, so told her to wear that one so we have a clean one for tomorrow.
Also, the poor dog's chopped hair on his face. I took a scissors to it because there was soo much hair over his eyes I could barely find his eyes and he wasn't able to track the toys I threw for him to fetch anymore. Needless to say, I don't plan to open a pet salon anytime soon!