Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Time Firsts

Second time she made it to the top. I was squealing and clapping the first time
and never thought of taking a pic.
Tonight we went to the McDonald's playground and I froze while she played. She was the only child in the playground. (who in their right mind would take their child there in this cold snap??) She has never had the courage to go through to the top up until tonight. She kept trying, going up the steps then turning around and coming back down. Then suddenly, she did. I was standing at the bottom, sipping a Latte, stamping my feet to keep warm, when I saw this! (top Picture) I was so amazed I squealed! My squealing startled her and she jumped back and ran back down the steps! We celebrated her bravery with clapping and hugging. She was so pleased with herself and I was so proud of her! She immediately wanted to do it again. This time I told her how to get to the big curly slide. And She Came Down It!!! Another first for an enclosed slide!! For the last year or more she was scared to go down any of these so it was another thing to celebrate. Again and again, she was soo happy, I was too!
Second time, I was totally shocked that she actually did it
the first time and suddenly there she was, so, yes I missed
it the first time. Her face says it all.

I gave her a little stone with the word Loved on it, "so you
can remember that Mommy loves you very much." 

First time to the park on saturday for this Spring.  My sis
was babysitting and G loved having them along!

We hung the swings in the backyard now that spring is here.
She in very very happy about this, even if it was soo cold
today that we could only swing a tiny bit. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Another Milestone, and Spring!

 Some people are going crazy waiting for spring. Personally, it was one of the better winters I've had. Lots of snow, cold and a child to enjoy it with.
First time finger painting. She ended up in the bathtub!

Poor Kitty Cat. He gets loved so vigorously! He keeps
coming back for more though.

Mommy's shades are always more fun.

A few weeks ago we went to Ohio with my niece and her husband and child for an adoption seminar. They had several speakers and varying topics. The two that stayed with me the most were

1. Generational Iniquities and The Adopted Child
I don't know that it impressed me more for me more or my child. They explained it in a way that made much more sense than I've ever heard it before. Basically, we are inclined to fail in the same battles that our parents and grandparents failed in. Ever hear the saying 'I opened my mouth, and my mom walked out"? Well, we all know that we are inclined to do the very things we were determined not to do that our parents did. A child with a drunkard father, is much more inclined to have a problem with alcohol.
The bible says it will happen. It does. The point they made, that stuck with me, is, the only reason we have that inclination hanging over us is because no one told it to leave! We as Christians have the power of Jesus to command that inclination or iniquity to leave us alone. I was always planning to have special prayers prayed over my child at some point, but didn't know how to do it myself, and was intimidated by the whole prospect. That weekend they prayed over her for me. I didn't know if I would see any change in her, but I wanted to know I had done what I could for her. They also prayed for healing for her sensory issues and anointed her with oil, setting her apart for God. We came home, and I didn't think about much or any change till I gave her a bath. You need to realize bath time was a dread for me. She was so extremely ticklish it was ridiculous! I could barely touch her with a washcloth. She would scream and squirm and protect herself as if I was deliberately trying to torture tickle her. Drying her off, getting her dressed, putting lotion on, it was all the same. Tiring and irritating by the time I was done, I was tired! That night after we got home, I gave her a bath and she sat perfectly still, after a few seconds, she looked up at me in surprise and said, Mommy! me not laugh!! And she isn't overly ticklish anymore. The lotion, I can even put it on her stomach and she doesn't flinch! She still doesn't like it, she hates that it's wet, but she's not wiggling and screaming. I'm thanking God for healing!!

2. The Power of Blessing your children
I must admit when I saw that title it didn't seem that great. It was a very powerful lesson. The power of our words that we speak about and at our children. They are basically a self fulfilling prophesy. So, why not use it for good and spur our children to greatness rather than noticing the negative. Not saying we praise them to the point where they think every little thing they do deserves praise and notice, but being positive, not belittling them. Some samples given were:
Your such a crybaby
Shame on you
Why can't you be more like your brother
You are just like your dad!

A book was also given, 'The Power of a Parents Blessing' by Craig Hill
If you want this for your child/ren, it's a good read. It also has prayers in it to pray over your children.

Tonight as I rocked G to sleep, she was totally relaxed. The heavy kind of relaxed where they are limp. She fell asleep while I rocked her and I didn't want to stop. I keep realizing how much she is changing. For the first year home, I don't think she ever totally relaxed. She sat on me, laid against me, but was still somewhat stiff, not cuddly.I know about a half year ago I thought she was doing much better, but now I can truly say she can cuddle with me. Another milestone of trust, attachment and healing. She loves giving me kisses and hugs now too, which she didn't do at all for the first year. I continue to marvel at my child and how God continues to heal her, and show me his strength, when I need it most.

Wednesday we went out to Paramount Sports with the kids.
They loved it! So much to do and they used up every ounce
of energy they had. this pic was after they refueled and were
feeling a bit of energy again. I think G may be raising her
hand to testify the truth of that! :)