Thursday, May 15, 2014

Her first prayer

Today at lunch, I told her to pray all by herself. I didn't really think she would, as I had asked before. But today, she squeezed her eyes shut tight (something else she rarely does) and said, "Dear God, thank you keeping us safe. mumble, mumble, mumble, Thank you loving us, mumble, mumble, mumble, Jesus name, Amen."
I was very impressed! and no, I don't model mumbling in prayers! I think she was trying to fill the space till she thought of something else to say. So proud of my little 'honey bunch pumpkin' as she likes to say.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Church Bullitan

It's my turn to do the church bulletin board. I asked my pastors wife if I should go with a trendy theme, like "Keep Calm and Trust the Lord" or do something about orphans that I'm passionate about. She said go with passion. I am going with PASSION. Here it is. Do you see your child?

Friday, May 9, 2014

A Blog of Moments I've loved in the last few weeks

We love the spring evenings and our favorite thing right now is to ride bike after
after it gets dark, while mommy sits in the yard and watches.

playing at a park we discovered tonight. She suddenly stops
and stares at this building close by. She looks shocked
and says mommy! That's Russia!!
There's babies in there!!
She insisted she wants to look inside.
I agree it looks like a Russian building.
I wonder what else she remembers from her babyhood. 

A Wistful Moment

She loved the day having her little friend over! They are very close, like sisters.
She loves being wrapped tightly and watching me cook.

Antics with her friend

Yup, my child is one of THOSE CHILDREN who do this

OK, I think we may have an animal lover here!
This was her doing, no one prompted her to
first, let all the chickens out, then catch one and hold it,
then go in the chicken house with her little friend
and procede to throw eggs,  and finally,
catch another chicken and hold it under
the outdoor spigot! Disclaimer- this did not
happen at my house! :)
Her 'long' hair. :)

all dressed up for church in the dress from Aunt Ginny

newest and coolest toy

yum! another reason we love the weather!

This is a BIG deal! She is deathly scared of the loud noise
a sweeper makes, so this is BIG

Loving the new weighted lap blanket

We have a train track within site of our house, that we enjoy watching and hearing
This is not taken from our house, we dont live THAT close, thankfully!

One year ago in April at the park, and this year in April
I don't know what it is about the tongue and taking pics?!
Picture on the left was taken by Nicola Herring Photography
pic on right was just a cell phone shot when we realized it was
exactly a year later!