Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fun Times

So, we got a book called. "Lets Talk about being angry:
Now my child is laying in bed trying to go to sleep for a nap and I hear her in there saying,
"I need to calm down. I'm trying to make myself calm down."

A few days ago while giving her a bath, I told her to "lay down, I want to wash your hair out"
She started wailing loudly! "no, Mommy!! I want my hair IN!!"

She can tend to be overly concerned about things that shouldn't be her worry. She saw I was barefoot at the desk and said. "mommy! You need to put slippers on! your feet are gonna get cold!"
and then, later in the day as we were driving to church, "Mommy, did you remember to put shoes on? Mommy, are you barefoot?"
Well, the good side of it is, that hopefully she will tell me if I'm ever missing an important piece of clothing!

Today we went to her very first birthday party other than her own. So many fun and cute things she got to do. It was a cupcake decorating party and she loved the sprinkles and the mini M&M's to put on them. Actually I think she loved every part of it.

 They even got to mix the coloring into
the icing! The big yellow shirt was in hopes of
keeping the food coloring off her dress. 

She chose a cupcake with black icing to eat!!! no idea why!!
She thought her mustache was pretty funny!

She loves painting, so this was great fun!
I about fell over when she went over to the chalkboard all by herself
and drew a picture of 'mommy'!! This is the first time I
saw a real picture from her!!! And she did sooo good for a
first try at a person!! I could almost cry, I'm so amazed! And with no
coaching, she was all by herself over there!! Can you tell I'm a bit overwhelmed? :)

On the way home, we stopped at MCDonalds, they have
and indoor playground. This is her first time using a blow dryer!
She saw another little girl using it when we were washing our hands.
She is usually terrified of the noise these things make.
The only thing I could figure out is
that the wax build up in her ears kept it from sounding so loud.
Thats not a joke BTW. Her hearing comes and goes and I find
myself hollering to get her attention and hoping people don't think
I"m a horrible mom. :(

All the little girls got to take home a beautiful Hyacinth! She was so proud!

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