Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Blizzard Of 2014

Well, it happened! we got snow, and a lot of it. I don't know how much because around our house it's blowing so much it's either in huge drifts or bare driveway. We have a huge drift right outside our door that we will need to climb over to get out. G tried it and succeeded but it took struggling. We can see 422 from our place and there is not much traffic. we keep seeing snowplows go by and the road looks passable, but I think most people are enjoying just having a snow day inside.
Last night I was excited, but wanting to make sure the day goes well, so I thought up some things to do with G.

I started with a box and cut holes in it. put a bunch of rice and dry macaroni in it with spoons and bowls. Ummm, I was hoping she would play with it longer than she did. :(

The Ipad and coco puffs for breakfast was a happy thing while I tried to get work done on the computer.

Mim gave us an early valentines gift of chocolates! She couldn't let the box out of her sight! She is a total chocaholic!
In case you are worried, no she did not eat the whole box!

We did laundry and cleaned up and swept the basement. She used her swings for a while.

We ate a breakfast lunch of eggs, fried potatoes, little sausages, and toast.

And then she went outside for a bit while I stood at the door. I did not feel like getting all wet!

After her nap, we did another little project. Baking soda and colored vinegar, It was pretty cool! She loved it..... as long as I was right there with her. When I went to sneak in some work time, she lost interest. sigh

And then, more snow play, this time with mommy and mim too. Her first big snow man!

After supper, Mim took her downstairs and they ran off some energy playing tag, swinging and jumping. Thanks Mim!
While they were down playing I baked a cake for Mim's birthday which is tomorrow, on Valentines day.

Gabriella is in bed now. Time to get a nice bubbly drink and relax.
All in all, it was a pretty good day.

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute! Sounds like you had a fun day even though you didn't get much work done.
