Friday, November 8, 2013

My little alarm clock

It all started with an old, old book, called Clocks. This old book is a very, very well loved book by a certain little girl in this house. We read this old book many, many times. Thankfully, there is not much writing in this book or I'd be tempted to hide it. bad momma!
Here on the first page, we need to talk about which clock we would buy, we each pick one and then we need to decide which one other friends and family would buy. Basically anyone we have been with lately needs to be decided for. This is great fun and cannot be rushed!

The next page is where my alarm clock came from. Early each morning, a certain little girl comes in my room, rattling the door knob loudly ( I need to fix that!) and climbs into bed with me. Now this little girl is supposed to go back to sleep, but she doesn't usually. She will toss and roll and whisper to her self, pretty much anything but sleep. Her momma is tired because she usually tries to get work done after her little girl goes to bed, so therefor does NOT want to wake up. Her little girl is very considerate and waits till the sun starts making the room bright ( she did this before daylight saving time too!) and then cheerfully quotes the next page of the book!
She pops up and says rrriiiiiiinnnnnggggg  rrriiiiiinnnnggggggg  rrriiinnnnnngggggg!!! over and over, Once she sees her mommy laughing, she says, "Me alarm clock! wake momma up!!" What momma can resist that?! Even if she really wants to sleep! Well, every now and then this momma can resist longer than the little girl likes, so the little girl pulls out her next trick - kiss momma and wait expectantly for her to pop her eyes open in surprise and say "who kissed me?!?!!" then dissolve into giggles.  I'm awake.
I think I'll go hide that book! :)

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I have a little alarm clock too but she just yells from her crib yet! :)
