Friday, October 18, 2013


Learning a language you never heard before and then are suddenly totally immersed in - not something I think would be that fun! Well, G did amazing with picking it up. I think she did a lot with visual cues too. We used some sign language at first too.
The last few month she adds words every day and it's amazing to watch! The following conversation is probably very normal for most moms, but for me, it's over the top! Hearing her put sentences together still thrills me!

Playing doctor w G

Hang on hang on almost done
Hang on hang on no more laughing
Be quiet
U got boo boo in ear
Lots of dirt in ear!
Almost done, soon clean!
This knife very sharp! See ouch!! As she pushes a dull play knife into my cheek.
Trip t trash to throw away the bug and dirt she found in my ear! (Pretend!!))
Hang on hang on, me check
A variety of instruments get pushed in my ear as she declares I have a belly ache.
At some point she insists she needs paper. Finds a book and consults it, nods her head importantly and slams it shut. Puts her hands on her hips and surveys me skeptically with squinty eyes and declares me all better!


  1. Blogs are wonderful, and far better than FB! My situation is vastly different than yours, so I don't know if you'll want to follow my blog. But, I am an adoptive mom, too. We adopted four from Russia (I say 5 because we also took a boy from foster care who was originally from my son's orphanage in Russia). We've enjoyed older adopted child perfection, and some older adopted child challenges.

    Your little one is so beautiful!

  2. She does have quite a vocabulary. Wonder what she would have done w/ Joe's ear, he had a real bug one time. It was quite dead, but def a bug/beetle
